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MGSU campus has 10 comfortable dormitories for more than 5 000 students. They are arranged as three groups of buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region. All dorms are located in close proximity to lecture halls.

Each dorm room is designated for two students. Each dorm floor has fully equipped kitchens. Guest rooms are ready to accommodate guests of MGSU. Each guest room has a refrigerator, a television, and an electric kettle. The dorms have Internet access.

The dorms have washing machines, lockers, stores, refreshment rooms and cafeterias. 

The dorms are patrolled by the security service.

The campus has multiple leisure and sports facilities. Football, five-o-side football, chess tournaments are held by the physical training and sports department of the University between teams representing different dorms. A skating rink is open in winter. Students can practice race walking, jogging, skiing and bicycling at Lossiny Ostrov forest nearby.
MGSU has a Student club, a Youth centre for leadership improvement, a Creativity centre, and an International communications club.

© 03.05.2024 | MGSU
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